Friday, March 18, 2011


Our prompt this week is "true."

If you want to play along with our prompt, just join in below.
We look forward to seeing (and sharing) "you" here!

We have decided to spread our prompts out over three weeks, instead of posting biweekly. We hope you don't mind, and we are so grateful to have you with us!

(Please do include our button in any photo post you link - make sure you post your permalink! -
oh and leave us a comment so we know you're here!)


  1. Kelly and Sarah thanks for these words that we share. I find that they have become a lens through which I dig deep within.

    I allow myself to contemplate here...

  2. Hurrah! I'm here! This is fun, isn't it? I love this week's compilation - Sarah, you were right, it's a story!

  3. it's fun to see three unique perspectives of seeing true.
